Dear authors, below are instructions for preparing your lecture and its subsequent written form in a printed monograph.
Presentations and workshops:
1. You can use a PowerPoint presentation for your lecture. We will send you a presentation template by email.
2. You must keep your presentation to 30 minutes, including any possible discussion. In the case of a workshop, you have to fit in one, two, or three hours, depending on the length of each particular workshop.
3. All lectures in the main section will be simultaneously interpreted from English to Czech and vice versa. Please note that you need to speak clearly and not too fast due to the interpretation. On the other hand, you do not have to worry about having to pause after every few sentences for interpretation.
4. All workshop sessions will also be interpreted. The mediation section will continue to be interpreted simultaneously; the dialogue and coaching sections will be interpreted consecutively. Please allow for the necessary time for translation in the dialogue and coaching sections.
Written contribution to the book
5. The conference's outcomes must be made available to a wide professional community to enhance the impact and maintain the relevance of the transformative approach globally. Therefore, we would greatly appreciate it if you would be willing to publish your contributions in the forthcoming monograph that will be an output of the conference.
6. Please send your written contributions by 30.11.2023 to
7. The length of a single paper should be a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 30 standard pages, excluding the reference list.
8. Please use only basic text without formatting when writing your paper. Separate each sub-section with a free line.
8. Use the APA 7 citation standard.